Powering On-Road Safety Solutions
Chain of Responsibility Compliance Course
An industry leader, Helping companies, leaders, and safety departments fix on-road risks by offering software, training, audits, policies and programs that add value to a lean business.
Chain of Responsibility isn't just a good idea - It's the LAW!
Everyone at MAEZ knows whats important for you. But like anything rewards come with risks and in the modern day world, legal liability is a real threat to businesses everywhere, including yours, no matter how big or small you may think you are.
Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) compliance training is generally geared towards heavy vehicle truck drivers, anywhere you look. The reality is though that truck drivers only contribute to a small portion of your potential liability. Those that can inflict a more significant legal liability and financial damage in your business include;

The benefits of training your people in Chain of Responsibility the MAEZ way and why our customers choose us over our competitors very easily.
- MAEZ provides Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) Compliance training at a cost that makes sense.
- MAEZ has produced Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) Compliance training that will work with any schedule.
- MAEZ has produced Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) Compliance training that is not a bunch of mundane powerpoint slides.
- MAEZ has delivered Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) Compliance training to industry that will change your company culture, guaranteed.
Training delivered by MAEZ through our online portal is delivered to each learner in a targeted manner. It’s no use to anyone to train the site IT administrator on how to spot a fatigued driver, but it is important to train them on their legal liability when it comes to scheduling mass.
All training is competency based and comes complete with a certificate, upon the successful completion of each course.
Importantly, there is not requirement under the Heavy Vehicle National Law to train your staff, or to train them to any particular standard. But, we always reccomend it to our clients as it strengthens your safety system and ensures compliance at your coal face, an important element to ensure the ongoing due diligence of your executive team.
Their clients include Mining companies, Building manufacturing companies, Retailers, Waste companies, Transport companies, startups, small and mid-size businesses.
A message from the director of MAEZ, Matthew Wragg
Why is Chain of Responsibility so important for you?